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'Lonesome George': Giant Tortoise, Last Living Geochelone Abigdoni, Gets Two New Mates After Prior Failed Attempts HPFB.init();

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'Lonesome George': Giant Tortoise, Last Living Geochelone Abigdoni, Gets Two New Mates After Prior Failed Attempts
01/20/11 09:40 PM 
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QUITO, Ecuador — Will Lonesome George ever become a dad?
Scientists are still hoping to mate the near century-old giant tortoise from the Galapagos – even though efforts over the past two decades have failed.
The Galapagos National Park said in a statement Thursday that they are providing two new female partners for George, who is believed to be the last living member of the Geochelone abigdoni species.
George is estimated to be between 90 and 100 years old – and could have at least 50 more years ahead of him. For the past 20 years, he has lived with two previous female partners, of the similar but different Geochelone becki species. The females laid eggs in 2008, 2009 and last year, but none resulted in viable offspring.
Scientists believe George may have a better chance of reproducing with his two new partners, of the Geochelone hoodensis species.
The two potential mates arrived on Santa Cruz island, where George lives, on Thursday from the archipelago's Spanish Island.
Genetic studies conducted by Yale University have shown that the newly arrived tortoises "are genetically closer ... more compatible, and could offer greater possibilities of producing offspring," the park's statement said.
The Galapagos island chain, about 620 miles (1,000 kms) off Ecuador's coast, is home to unique animal species that inspired Charles Darwin's ideas on evolution.
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AnimalsQUITO, Ecuador — Will Lonesome George ever become a dad?Scientists are still hoping to mate the near century-old giant tortoise from the Galapagos – even though efforts over the past two...QUITO, Ecuador — Will Lonesome George ever become a dad?Scientists are still hoping to mate the near century-old giant tortoise from the Galapagos – even though efforts over the past two...
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Dr Scott 0 minute ago (2:27 AM) 133 Fans How much must it suck to be the very last one of your kind? Poor George! Dr_Scott: How much must it suck to be the very last Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ed438 6 hours ago (8:46 PM) 40 Fans Hey George,
It's not that difficult:
Just close your eyes and think of Eggland!!!?! Ed438: Hey George, It's not that difficult: Just close your eyes Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER bibimimi 12 hours ago (2:13 PM) 358 Fans Follow George feels like the old guy in the club. bibimimi: George feels like the old guy in the club. Permalink | Share it m1jones 14 hours ago (12:00 PM) 674 Fans Maybe it's time to clone George. To help the notoriousl?y reluctant pandas reproduce, keepers use aritifical inseminati?on. That must be interestin?g...
First we destroy habitat. Then we spend a fortune trying to recreate or rescus the last whatever. I think all of the giant turtles are very sadly doomed because humans the ultimate predators thus far are at the top of the food chain.
Good luck, George. You'll need it. I hope you at least enjoy the company of your two new lady friends. m1jones: Maybe it's time to clone George. To help the notoriously Permalink | Share it doodlebug2 17 hours ago (9:16 AM) 48 Fans I can't get two lovers now and I am half his age. go George doodlebug2: I can't get two lovers now and I am half Permalink | Share it gintheb 14 hours ago (12:02 PM) 66 Fans Right??!! I need some of what he's got, gintheb: Right??!! I need some of what he's got, Permalink | Share it socialtalker 11 hours ago (3:27 PM) 99 Fans he's got scientists acting like pimps to procure him females is what he got! socialtalker: he's got scientists acting like pimps to procure him females Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All

AbeMartin 18 hours ago (8:01 AM) 382 Fans What happens if Lonesome George is gay? Can the scientists do in vitro fertilizat?ion with giant tortoises?
And if, so, will this be further confirmati?on that the Gay and Lesbian alliance is trying to spread their lifestyle among reptiles? AbeMartin: What happens if Lonesome George is gay? Can the scientists Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER WorkhelpWorkhelp 24 hours ago (2:42 AM) 109 Fans Please take of me like this when I'm 100. WorkhelpWorkhelp: Please take of me like this when I'm 100. Permalink | Share it

stella801 24 hours ago (2:38 AM) 396 Fans At least he's having a good time. Hope it works out! stella801: At least he's having a good time. Hope it works Permalink | Share it

anastomosis 01:28 AM on 1/23/2011 36 Fans Testudophi?liacs unite. anastomosis: Testudophiliacs unite. Permalink | Share it ForemostPanda 12:28 AM on 1/23/2011 137 Fans he can watch "skins" to get into the mood. ForemostPanda: he can watch "skins" to get into the mood. Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR choot 12:20 AM on 1/23/2011 935 Fans Eat your heart out Hugh Hefner! choot: Eat your heart out Hugh Hefner! Permalink | Share it sonoffestus 11:19 PM on 1/22/2011 264 Fans 100 years old, two new mates.....?..........?...Lucky George. sonoffestus: 100 years old, two new mates..................Lucky George. Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER boomcat44 11:01 PM on 1/22/2011 341 Fans One things for sure; It won't be a quickie.
The foreplay alone could take days. boomcat44: One things for sure; It won't be a quickie. The Permalink | Share it JackTheSkipper 10:32 PM on 1/22/2011 30 Fans Why not do the In Vitro Fertilizat?ion (IVF) to save his species? The old man can't perform. JackTheSkipper: Why not do the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to save Permalink | Share it yemaya 5 hours ago (9:24 PM) 453 Fans cuz they would need to um, you know, get him to somehow, in a cup.......
bit tricky I would think yemaya: cuz they would need to um, you know, get him Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER missouriwatcher 09:50 PM on 1/22/2011 398 Fans I wish the old man luck. Darned old humans for eating all his relatives! A pox on their sailing ships. missouriwatcher: I wish the old man luck. Darned old humans for Permalink | Share it Page:
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