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Drunk Owl Taken In By German Police HPFB.init();

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Drunk Owl Taken In By German Police
The Huffington Post Joanna ZelmanPosted: 01/18/11 05:34 PM
Read More:Animals, Birds, Drunk Animal, Drunk German Owl, Drunk Owl, Drunk Owl Germany, Drunken Owl, Intoxicated Owl, Owl Arrested, Owl Drunk, Owl Schnapps, Police Arrest Owl, Police Owl, Police Take Owl, Schnapps Owl, Green Newsshare this storyGet Green AlertsSign UpSubmit this storydiggredditstumble
Apparently public intoxication is a reason for police to intervene with animals as well as humans. German police recently found a drunk owl out in public and took in the animal, saying it would be released once it has sobered up.
A spokesman for the Pforzheim police reported to Spiegel Online that "a woman walking her dog alerted the police after seeing the bird sitting by the side of the road oblivious to passing traffic." When police found the brown owl, it was staggering around with drooping eyelids. As further evidence of the owl's drunkenness, two small bottles of Schnapps were found near the bird.
The police took the owl to a local expert who has treated "alcoholized birds" in the past. This bird is being given plenty of water, and will be free to go when sober.
This is certainly not the first time that an animal has been caught in a drunken escapade. There was the badger who got so drunk on overripe cherries that he staggered into the middle of a road in Germany. Then there are the wallabies who get so high on opium poppies that they can't hop straight. Not to mention the monkeys who steal cocktails from tourists, the elephants who tragically killed three people in a drunken rampage, or the boozing buffalo who likes to hit the dance floor.
As for the owl who's about to experience a killer hangover, we just hope nobody leaves anymore alcohol lying around for him to have a hoot with.
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BirdsAnimalsApparently public intoxication is a reason for police to intervene with animals as well as humans. German police recently found a drunk owl out in public and took in the animal, saying it would be rel...Apparently public intoxication is a reason for police to intervene with animals as well as humans. German police recently found a drunk owl out in public and took in the animal, saying it would be rel...
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HUFFPOST SUPER USER Geoulio Fransesco 0 minute ago (9:20 PM) 51 Fans Bad Hedwig! No mouse for you! Geoulio_Fransesco: Bad Hedwig! No mouse for you! Permalink | Share it

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John Denton 6 hours ago (2:53 PM) 65 Fans Follow On Google type 'deer like marijuana' then hit Enter. Let me know if you need more assistance?. ;7) John_Denton: On Google type 'deer like marijuana' then hit Enter. Let Permalink | Share it danneburley 19 hours ago (2:33 AM) 326 Fans Follow Here is the first bird related dui wow wonder how he posted bond and what his fine was? Whoo oops said that? danneburley: Here is the first bird related dui wow wonder how Permalink | Share it

Horus45 04:47 PM on 1/19/2011 130 Fans Come on!
This is really an Onion story, right? Horus45: Come on! This is really an Onion story, right? Permalink | Share it

Endometria Jones 04:45 PM on 1/19/2011 5 Fans http://hun?goverowls.?
STILL hilarious Endometria_Jones: STILL hilarious Permalink | Share it DemonatiaNYC 04:38 PM on 1/19/2011 0 Fans Follow That's pretty funny, Poor bird, can't be good for him long term though... DemonatiaNYC: That's pretty funny, Poor bird, can't be good for him Permalink | Share it ehorth 04:12 PM on 1/19/2011 266 Fans Great story, but there's still a mystery here! What I want to know is (a) where did the bottles of schnapps come from and (b) how much alcohol did that owl actually drink? LOL ehorth: Great story, but there's still a mystery here! What I Permalink | Share it

brynk336 4 hours ago (5:35 PM) 17 Fans And how did he open the bottles? No thumbs! brynk336: And how did he open the bottles? No thumbs! Permalink | Share it ehorth 3 hours ago (5:56 PM) 266 Fans Or was it one of those situations where he offered a passerby some money to go to the nearest liquor store because he knew he'd be carded! ehorth: Or was it one of those situations where he offered Permalink | Share it

dekadente81 03:55 PM on 1/19/2011 2 Fans I heard he was trying to stumble his way to a Mexican taco place to fix his alcohol munchies. dekadente81: I heard he was trying to stumble his way to Permalink | Share it

mrjenks85 02:29 PM on 1/19/2011 1 Fans Looks like this owl will make a find addition to the hungover owls blog on tubmlr. Speaking of sites you should be wasting your time on...http://hun?goverowls.? mrjenks85: Looks like this owl will make a find addition to Permalink | Share it

Pandoras Folly 01:48 PM on 1/19/2011 70 Fans one of my friend's dairy cows would wait until an apple tree had dropped lots of apples and let them go overripe and would eat them and let them ferment. It would stumble around for a couple of days all happy. One time it wouldn't stop moooing all night and they had to go tie it up on the far side of the field to get some sleep, the lured it with....ap?ples. Pandoras_Folly: one of my friend's dairy cows would wait until an Permalink | Share it DennyDaniel 01:01 PM on 1/19/2011 0 Fans I heard they found 2 condoms near him also
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life-of-riley 11:24 AM on 1/19/2011 45 Fans My pet owl enjoys a 'beaker' of Wild Turkey Bourbon once in a while. life-of-riley: My pet owl enjoys a 'beaker' of Wild Turkey Bourbon Permalink | Share it

Pharoah Narim 11:16 AM on 1/19/2011 39 Fans "Get your filthy hands of me! I don't give a hooooooooo?t if that thing says .06!" Pharoah_Narim: "Get your filthy hands of me! I don't give a Permalink | Share it kaisrolls 11:00 AM on 1/19/2011 152 Fans The owl was heard to remark, while being placed in the cage, "The only bars that can hold me are the ones I was at before you picked me up. Just wait 'till I get my talons on you, kopper!" kaisrolls: The owl was heard to remark, while being placed in Permalink | Share it kaisrolls 10:55 AM on 1/19/2011 152 Fans Lou Costello: "Whoooo's on first?" kaisrolls: Lou Costello: "Whoooo's on first?" Permalink | Share it Page:
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