Dog survives being trapped on ice for 5 days (VIDEO)
The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (30720) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 2, position 31650. The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (30720) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 32353. Dog Survives Being Trapped On Ice For 5 Days (VIDEO) HPFB.init(); HuffPost's QuickRead... = function (tag_id){if ($(tag_id) == undefined) return; if ($(tag_id).innerHTML != '') return;ad_spec = {"zone_info": ";featured-posts=1;green=1;entry_id=811573;@ads_scary=1;@yvideo=1;animals=1;dog-rescued=1;dog-rescued-from-ice=1;dog-survives=1;dog-survives-ice=1;dog-survives-on-ice=1;dog-trapped-on-ice=1;dog-trapped-on-ice-5-days=1;dog-trapped-on-lake=1;dog-trapped-on-pond=1;dogs=1;gibson-the-dog=1;video=1","ord": 1295855648,"tile": 3,"width": 300,"height": 250,"el_id": tag_id + "_js","class_name": "ad_block ad_wide top","type": "iframe"}HuffPoUtil.WEDGJE.write(ad_spec, tag_id);};Loading... HuffPost's QuickRead... Loading... BIG NEWS:Gulf Oil Spill|Baby Animals|Animals|Climate Change| Smarter Ideas| More... | LogoutLog In| Sign Up The Huffington Post January 24, 2011 Front PagePoliticsBusinessMediaEntertainmentComedySportsStyle WorldGreen Food TravelTech LivingHealth Divorce Arts Books Religion Impact Education College NY LA Chicago Denver Blogs Dog Survives Being Trapped On Ice For 5 Days (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post Zoe TriskaPosted: 01/22/11 05:13 PM
Inspiring Enlightening Infuriating Scary Helpful Amazing Innovative Adorable Read More:Animals, Dog Rescued, Dog Rescued From Ice, Dog Survives, Dog Survives Ice, Dog Survives On Ice, Dog Trapped On Ice, Dog Trapped On Ice 5 Days, Dog Trapped On Lake, Dog Trapped On Pond, Dogs, Gibson The Dog, Video, Green Newsshare this storyGet Green AlertsSign UpSubmit this storydiggredditstumble
Gibson the dog disappeared from her Arlington, MA home over a week ago, and her owners probably didn't expect to find her where they did.
Gibson managed to get trapped on an iced-over pond for 5 days.
In this CNN video, an official notes that he is puzzled as to how she got onto the ice because the pond is totally fenced in, and there wasn't a way for an animal to have access into the area.
Rescuers attempted to catch Gibson for 3 days, but she had 160 acres of ice to run around on, and kept managing to evade them. Finally, on Wednesday, a team of nine rescuers were able to catch the pup.
She was returned home to her very thankful owners.
Get HuffPost Green On Twitter and Facebook! Know something we don't? E-mail us at Dogs VideoAnimalsGibson the dog disappeared from her Arlington, MA home over a week ago, and her owners probably didn't expect to find her where they did. Gibson managed to get trapped on an iced-over pond for 5 day...Gibson the dog disappeared from her Arlington, MA home over a week ago, and her owners probably didn't expect to find her where they did. Gibson managed to get trapped on an iced-over pond for 5 day... Related News On Huffington Post: Pets: A Threat To Safe Driving? Dog Rescues Other Dog Stuck In Drainpipe In California (VIDEO) Prince The Dog Returns Home After 5 Years, Finds Owner Myrna Carillo's New House (VIDEO) Study IDs 9,400-Year-Old Dog, Earliest Evidence Of Domestication Drunk Owl Taken In By German Police Chico The Chihuahua Survives Owl Attack In Chicago Suburb Fox Shoots Hunter With Gun In Belarus Healthy Cats Show Signs Of Illness When Stressed: Study
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Gotta hug my dogs now..... CanUFeel2012: -----SIGH----- Gotta hug my dogs now..... Permalink | Share it nofriendofrepublicans 16 hours ago (9:41 AM) 604 Fans 160 acres? That's a big pond! nofriendofrepublicans: 160 acres? That's a big pond! Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Roshi98 15 hours ago (10:11 AM) 97 Fans Follow It's a lovely area to walk around, especially during fall foliage. Roshi98: It's a lovely area to walk around, especially during fall Permalink | Share it ramal 16 hours ago (9:21 AM) 607 Fans Marvelous, wonderful creatures. If you have one or several, guard them with your life. ramal: Marvelous, wonderful creatures. If you have one or several, guard Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER sabelmouse 17 hours ago (8:54 AM) 77 Fans Follow open the gate and go away would have taken ? sabelmouse: open the gate and go away would have taken ? Permalink | Share it springsm 2 hours ago (11:05 PM) 404 Fans And like Hansel and Gretel ...leave a trail of really attractive food. But if it is spooked, who knows. springsm: And like Hansel and Gretel ...leave a trail of really Permalink | Share it kooosh 17 hours ago (8:23 AM) 24 Fans Cute girl. I have to imagine her poor paws were frozen and she was starving after a day or two. Seems like a clever trap and a giant steak might have done the trick. Wonder what took so long. kooosh: Cute girl. I have to imagine her poor paws were Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER sabelmouse 17 hours ago (8:54 AM) 77 Fans Follow the people chasing her. sabelmouse: the people chasing her. Permalink | Share it mistykane 16 hours ago (9:07 AM) 87 Fans Exactly, or they could have let the owners bring her food and water bowls. Instead, they spent 3 days scaring her off. mistykane: Exactly, or they could have let the owners bring her Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Roshi98 15 hours ago (10:13 AM) 97 Fans Follow They didn't know who the owners were, but animal control people really should know better than to chase a scared animal. I never thought people from Arlington were as smart as they thought themselves to be anyway, so.... Roshi98: They didn't know who the owners were, but animal control Permalink | Share it stella801 23 hours ago (2:34 AM) 396 Fans So glad she made it and is home safe but I do worry about the state of her paws after being on ice for that long. What a sweet and beautiful looking doggie. What an awful ordeal for her. I hope she is curled up on a blanket and soundly sleeping as I type this. :) stella801: So glad she made it and is home safe but Permalink | Share it AndrewDWilliams 23 hours ago (2:10 AM) 15 Fans Dog Survives Being Trapped On Ice For 5 Days (VIDEO)
Woops...I thought this was a promo for "Sarah Palin: Alaska" AndrewDWilliams: Dog Survives Being Trapped On Ice For 5 Days (VIDEO) Permalink | Share it RussT 24 hours ago (1:36 AM) 353 Fans God bless this brave and beautiful pooch. RussT: God bless this brave and beautiful pooch. Permalink | Share it camanokat 24 hours ago (1:32 AM) 117 Fans "She was returned to her owner," it said. It should have said that her human slave came to bring her home! Cats aren't the only spoiled animals. There's a lab mix pupster lollygaggi?ng on my feet right this moment. camanokat: "She was returned to her owner," it said. It should Permalink | Share it lizmckenzie55 23 hours ago (2:35 AM) 680 Fans Follow lol ... tell me about it! I have two dogs and my son says I spoil them way more than I ever did him ... I do though. Yes, I am at their bark and call. lizmckenzie55: lol ... tell me about it! I have two dogs Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR Kitwanga 18 hours ago (7:40 AM) 61 Fans Two dogs and a cat, these animals are not my whole life but they make my life whole, if you know what I mean. Kitwanga: Two dogs and a cat, these animals are not my Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All Page: 1 2 3 4 Next ? Last ? (4 total) New comments on this entry — Click to refreshLoading comments… Follow Huffington Post Loading twitter module... 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