The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (30720) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 2, position 31689. The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (30720) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 32232. Adopt a Puppy! Rescued Dogs Need New Homes HPFB.init(); HuffPost's QuickRead... = function (tag_id){if ($(tag_id) == undefined) return; if ($(tag_id).innerHTML != '') return;ad_spec = {"zone_info": ";new-york=1;entry_id=812068;animal-news=1;animal-rescue=1;animal-shelter=1;animals=1;new-york-animal-shelters=1;ny-impact=1;rescue-dogs=1;shelter=1","ord": 1295855808,"tile": 3,"width": 300,"height": 250,"el_id": tag_id + "_js","class_name": "ad_block ad_wide top","type": "iframe"}HuffPoUtil.WEDGJE.write(ad_spec, tag_id);};Loading... HuffPost's QuickRead... Loading... BIG NEWS:Wikileaks|Jennifer Aniston|Tennis|NFL| Smarter Ideas| More... | LogoutLog In| Sign Up Front PagePoliticsMediaEntertainmentSportsComedyBusiness Tech WorldStyle NY More Green DivorceHealth Travel LivingFood College Impact Education Books Arts Religion LA Chicago Denver Video Blogs RestaurantsReal EstateAround TownImpactBest of NYGet New York Alerts: #ad_curtain {height:auto;margin:10px auto 0;width:938px} Adopt a Puppy! Rescued Dogs Need New Homes
First Posted: 01/21/11 09:01 AM Updated: 01/23/11 01:16 PM
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NBC New York:
Forty-five dogs and puppies rescued from a Missouri puppy mill are looking for new homes in our area.
The North Shore Animal League America's headquarters in Port Washington - the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization received the cute critters Thursday evening after they were rescued from inhumane breeding facilities.
Read the whole story: NBC New York
Get HuffPost New York On Twitter and Facebook! Know something we don't? E-mail us at NY ImpactAnimalsForty-five dogs and puppies rescued from a Missouri puppy mill are looking for new homes in our area.The North Shore Animal League America's headquarters in Port Washington - the world's largest n...Forty-five dogs and puppies rescued from a Missouri puppy mill are looking for new homes in our area.The North Shore Animal League America's headquarters in Port Washington - the world's largest n... VideosWebImages Loading... Loading... Previously on NY ImpactMark Ruffalo's Crusade Against Fracking: 'The World Is Leaving Us Behind'Creating Urban Agriculture, One Roof At A Time (VIDEO)Brooklyn Building Provides Creative Communal WorkspaceBaking Dreams Into Real Businesses (VIDEO) Filed by Jonah Green | Report Corrections What's Your Reaction? Amazing Inspiring Funny Scary Hot Crazy Important Weird More in New York... Homeless Struggle To Stay Warm On City's...Ann Pettway Turns Herself In: Woman Held...As Edgy NYC Disappears, Does Its Character...Who Will Win? Governors Bet On AFC... Comments 6 Pending Comments 0 View FAQ Login or connect with: More Login OptionsLogin with: Google Account Huffpost Account Yahoo AccountYou must be logged in to comment.Post CommentPreview CommentTo reply to a Comment: Click "Reply" at the bottom of the comment; after being approved your comment will appear directly underneath the comment you replied to.
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Post to Facebook.Post to Blogger.Post to Twitter.Post to WordPress.Post to TypePad.Post to Tumblr.Post to Yahoo! View All Favorites Recency | Popularity Checquoline 04:10 PM on 1/22/2011 71 Fans The state of Missouri has been infamous for puppy mills for years and years. Just because one closes down doesn't mean any others are even looked at. You can drive though the country side and see rows of cages full of dogs. Mostly the state turns a blind eye to it. Checquoline: The state of Missouri has been infamous for puppy mills Permalink | Share it terry ward 04:04 PM on 1/21/2011 0 Fans Please, If you love animals! read this!!!! These dogs were rescued from terrible conditions in Missouri. Missouri’s new anti-puppy?mill law is under attack by animal abusers…th?e unspeakabl?e breeders who are interested ONLY in making money and who kill the dogs too old to breed and toss the bodies in ditches. The USDA has PHOTOS and PROOF of this!
There are thousands of dogs being abused EVERY DAY in Missouri by puppy-mill?ers who believe that animals are nothing but ‘property’?, like houses or trucks.
Tell Missouri what you think about animal abusers! The only way to stop this abuse is to tell everyone that Missouri is trying to kill Propositio?n B, the puppy-mill protection bill that was PASSED by Missouri voters. If they succeed in removing these protection?s, the abusers will have free reign to continue their despicable actions. Please don’t allow Missouri to continue to be an embarrassm?ent to the country and a haven for inhumane puppy-mill?s! terry_ward: Please, If you love animals! read this!!!! These dogs were Permalink | Share it Laurie Daniels 01:28 PM on 1/21/2011 9 Fans A true "no kill" sanctuary or shelter is one that takes responsibi?lity for that animal's well being for the rest of its natural life. This means that, if an adoptive family defaults on their promise (happens all the time, too often) and cannot keep the dog, the dog will be safely placed by the rescuer rather than abandoned to the city shelter. Can North Shore Animal League make such a claim? If not, then they are NOT a "no kill" facility. They simply leave the killing to someone else and shower themselves with donation dollars for passing the baton. The time has come for New Yorkers to stop living in a Disney movie and realize that, while NSAL has millions and millions of dollars, real "on the ground" rescue work is done by small grassroots groups and municipal shelters, and they need your help. I'm glad these wonderful pups are getting safe and will be placed in lovely homes, but let's not kid ourselves here. These are highly coveted, beautiful PUPPIES who will get snatched up in about three days. Forgive me if I'm not impressed. Laurie_Daniels: A true "no kill" sanctuary or shelter is one that Permalink | Share it luna6607 04:12 PM on 1/21/2011 0 Fans Did you watch the video? Those don't look like puppies. luna6607: Did you watch the video? Those don't look like puppies. Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER svejkist 3 hours ago (9:05 PM) 21 Fans http://www?
IDK about NY, but in MA we don't have enough stray dogs to fill our rescues and shelters. We import our dogs from the south and Puerto Rico. This is because we actually fix our pets. This is also true in NH. svejkist: IDK about NY, but in MA we don't have Permalink | Share it peggysmom 12:47 PM on 1/21/2011 10 Fans i adopted Peggy from Northshore when she was 10 weeks old. she will be 9 sunday & is a wonderful pet.. peggysmom: i adopted Peggy from Northshore when she was 10 weeks Permalink | Share it New comments on this entry — Click to refreshLoading comments… Follow Huffington Post Loading twitter module... 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